Excellence in Logistics


Packaging for Export

One of the most delicate steps in the export process is the transfer of products to foreign markets. Export activity involves a series of packaging requirements to ensure that the product arrives in perfect condition to final destination.

Rigging Service

In EA Logistics we understand the needs of our customers, offering the skills and knowledge of our engineers, and the proper development of a strategy to integrate all parts of the process rigging service process.

Customs Agency

In EA Logistics, we advice and assist you in Mexican customs processes, from the correct classification of goods to the correct determination of Official Mexian Norms (NOMs), to VUCEM and COVES Mexican custom processes.


Through our business partnerships, we can guarantee successful Crossdocking operations, due to our well integrated supply chain, and also thanks to procuring fluid communication among members of the chain, focusing on an expert operational control.

Freight Insurance

Secure all types of goods in transit from and/or anywhere in the world. No matter the type of product you need to transport, in EA Logistics we have the right solution to secure and protect your merchandise through our insurance services.

Almacenaje y Distribución

We provide you a specialized infrastructure, equipment and specialized personnel for storage your goods, always aiming for the most efficient operation, regardless of the industry.

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Why Choose Us?

The reasons why EA Logistics is your best choice.


Tailored Solutions

We have the experience and flexibility to meet any project.



We constantly monitoring your goods so you always know where your cargo is.


Competitive rates

We have highly competitive rates, always maintaining the quality of our services.